Malaysia traditional game : spinning top

Gasing is the name for a spinning top in Malay. played as a traditional game to see which top outlast the other within the pre-determined circle drawn on the ground. Played by the young & the old, the game was widely played in the rustic Malaysian rural areas & villages. In a more culturally-emphasised community, you can find their own purpose-built Gasing arena for competition of the game. The sport has somewhat lost its lustre with the emergence of computer & video games overtaking this simple but fascinating pastime. Intent on preserving the unique Malaysian heritage of top-spinning, the International Top-Spinning Festival Malaysia is set to promote and educate the younger generations on the beauty and the intricacy that goes behind the art of making, and playing the gasing.
Gasing, or Top Spinning, can be played by two or more children. A string is wound round the top and held firmly while the top is hurled into the centre of the court. The opponent must then hurl his top to "nail" the spinning top and if possible make it stop spinning.. The other players then take their turn to continue the game and the player with the longest spinning top wins.
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